Is Puerto La Cruz Safe for Solo Female Travelers?

Traveling in Puerto La Cruz as a solo female traveler can be quite risky. The country is currently dealing with numerous socio-economic problems, including a high rate of crime, which particularly affects the larger cities. Although Puerto La Cruz is a touristic destination famous for its beaches, it is advised to be very cautious, especially during nighttime or while in less crowded areas. It is always recommended to stay in areas with good reputations and avoid risky behaviors such as displaying wealth or walking alone at night. Local knowledge is invaluable; always listen to advice given to you by trusted locals, stay alert and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

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How safe is Puerto La Cruz?

Safety at night:

Safety at night:Very unsafe

Puerto La Cruz presents notable safety risks especially at night. The area has high crime rates and it is strongly advised to avoid walking alone when darkness falls. Not every area is vigilantly patrolled by police and muggings or more serious attacks can occur. It's also worth noting that tourists can easily seem like easy targets for petty thieves. Always be cautious, aware of your surroundings and preferably stay in your hotel or a secure area at night.
Public transportation:

Public transportation:Unsafe

Public transportation in Puerto La Cruz can be a challenge. Buses and taxis can be sporadic and may not uphold the highest safety standards. In addition, there is a certain risk of petty crimes, particularly pickpocketing, on public transport. Therefore, it might be necessary to be extremely vigilant and possibly consider private tours or drivers, especially when traveling at night.
Street harassment:

Street harassment:High

In Puerto La Cruz, street harassment is unfortunately quite prevalent. As a solo female traveler, you can encounter catcalling, persistent gazes, and unsolicited remarks, especially in more crowded areas. It is advisable to adopt an assertive demeanor, avoid isolated areas, and try to blend in with the local culture and customs. Stay vigilant, avoid displaying valuable items, and where possible, align your travels with others to deter any unwelcome attention.
Petty crimes:

Petty crimes:High

Petty crimes such as pickpocketing, purse-snatching, and theft are common in Puerto La Cruz, especially in busy areas or during local events. Instances of these crimes tend to increase at night. It is advised to be alert at all times, keep your belongings close to you, and avoid flashed your cash or valuable items.

Is Puerto La Cruz safe to travel?

Is Puerto La Cruz safe right now?

Before your visit to Puerto La Cruz, it's essential to check travel advisories for Venezuela, including your home country's official travel advisory. These advisories can provide up-to-date information on safety, health, and any specific considerations for travelers.

United States Travel AdvisoryDo not travel

The United States Government advises against traveling to Venezuela due to crime, civil unrest, kidnapping, and arbitrary enforcement of local laws. It is also recommended to reconsider any travel plans due to the risk of wrongful detention, terrorism, and poor health infrastructure. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: May 13, 2024

Canada's Travel AdvisoryDo not travel

The Canadian government advises avoiding all travel to Venezuela due to the significant level of violent crime, unstable political and economic situations, and the decline in basic living conditions, including shortages of medication, gasoline, and water. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: August 27, 2024

Australia's Travel AdvisoryDo not travel

The Australian government advises: Do not travel to Venezuela due to the dangerous security situation, the risk of food, water, medicine, and petrol shortages, and the threat of violent crime. Check the full travel advisory.
Last updated: August 1, 2024

Safety in Venezuela