Female Couch Surfing in Lebanon

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Is Lebanon safe to travel?

2.9 /5

Based on 3 experiences

Solo travel experience

I was there in November and felt safe, I would always like to go back. The Lebanese are friendly and I just hope that a solution is found for all the problems they are struggling with. I recommend taking cash with you and not using a credit card, as you will be cheated on the exchange rate.

Posted: May 3, 2023
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Is Lebanon worth visiting?

Overall rating

3.7 /5

based on 3 experiences

Solo travel experience

I was in Lebanon for 5 days and had a good time as a solo traveler. Lebanon is a diverse and hospitable country. The people are friendly and welcomed me everywhere I went. Most people speak English. I hired drivers to take me to places such as Byblos, Baalbek, and Beit ed-Dine palace. They were respectful, professional, and well-informed drivers.

Posted: May 9, 2023
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 5/5Safety: 5/5
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Group travel experience

I have visited Lebanon many times, but never alone. I always traveled with someone from that area and stayed with them. I recommend staying in Beirut, as other cities can be very conservative. Knowing at least a little Arabic is also highly recommended. Overall, Lebanon is wonderful, but caution is definitely advised.

Posted: April 29, 2023
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 5/5Safety: 3/5
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Couch surfing in Lebanon